What should I watch out for after Filler Injections?

Filler injections are commonly performed nowadays. Here are some of the things to take heed of after an injectable treatment.

  • Immediately after the treatment, there may be redness or mild bruises. As the wound heals, there may be itchiness as well. Refrain from touching or massaging the injected area. As unhygienic handling of the injection sites may introduce infection.
  • Avoid exposing to intense heat e.g. sunbathing, tanning, sauna or washing of the injected areas with hot water. Excessive heat may degrade the complex texture of the injectables causing it to deform. For best results, do avoid heat to the treated areas for at least 1-2 weeks.
  • Do protect yourself from the sun. Ultraviolet light is the main culprit of aging process. Hence, after treatment, we need to protect ourselves from the sun. Do apply sunscreen religiously to avoid damage of the UV light onto the treated areas.
  • If there is pain or unusual redness over the treated area, please do not hesitate to contact your doctor. Potential infection to the treated area needs to be aggressively treated. It is easier to treat infection in the early phase than doing damage control at the late phase.

Non-Invasive Nose Job ?

Is there such as thing as a non-invasive nose job? Well, currently, there is. Do let us share with you what modern medical aesthetic can do for your nose?

Nose lift – For many Asians who has a flattish nose, this may be the solution for you. Medical aesthetic procedure is able to add height to the nose by using injectables. Doctors can add volume to the nose to increase its height and give it a more 3-dimensional (3D) appearance.

Shape correction – Some people do have a bump at the bridge of the nose or a beaking tip of the nose. This can be corrected via injections to improve the contour of the nose to give it a smoother outline.

 Decrease flaring of the nose – Flaring of the nose is commonly seen in people who are of Asian or African descent. Flaring of the nose causes the nose to appear big. Occasionally, the contour of the nose is inverted such that the nasal aperture is exposed when you look forward. These can be corrected as an outpatient basis using injectables.

Having said that the nose is heavily vascularized. As such, nose injection should be performed by highly trained individuals.