




你做过果酸换肤疗程吗?” 针对皮肤表层的色斑,果酸换肤就可以了。











William Hoo

Michelle's dark eye circle

I sensed trouble in the air as Michelle walked hurriedly into my office without an appointment. Well, Michelle is a close friend of mine and she has a successful career and an appearance that make her peers envy.  She came looking for me for an “emergency”. She is due for a photo shoot and she has dark eye circles from her previous weeks of hectic schedule working on a project. “You have got to get rid of this dark eye circles and make me look stunning,” she said with a grin.

Well, dark eye circle is not something uncommon, but it is truly embarrassing problem. It makes people appear tired and it steals the gleam in the eyes. It remains one of the problems that rattles around our brain albeit us trying hard to ignore it. 

Why, oh why do we have dark eye circle? The causes are many. Some people have it because of the underlying inflammation at the nasal sinuses; while some others get it because of hereditary pigment problems. More often than not, people get it because of the loss of the tissues around the under-eye area or the so called tear trough. The skin under eye thins out in the same time. When light shines, a deficient tear trough would be cast dark hue making it darker than the surrounding tissue.

Well the loss is part of aging. We cannot stop aging, but we certainly can prevent causes that accelerate it.  Unhealthy eating habits, lack of rest, smoking and drinking are some of the shenanigans that we so badly adore which may affect the tear trough. Peering on screen (computer or the television) for long hours is one of the culprits too. Logic tells us that if the cause for it is lacking in underlying tissue, a quick fix, though not permanent, will mean to replenish the under-eye tissues, giving it volume to prevent hue from building up at the eye trough.  This can be done using ultrafine needles which leave mosquito sting-size marks.

Two sessions of under eye hyaluronic acid injections later, Michelle was seen beaming with big smile. “I know you can fix this,” she said while looking satisfactorily in the mirror. “Stop the fags and the effect of the injections will last even longer,” I nagged like a grandmother.
“I will try, but no promises,” as she walks out of my office feeling chirpy as usual.

by Anna Hoo

Being beautiful

One early morning, Lisa turned up at the clinic with her mother. “My mother is turning sixty years old in another six months. I intend to give her a makeover,” she told me with a beaming smile.

"Hi, nice to meet you. What can I do for you?” I asked Lisa’s mother. I really have no idea. Since Lisa is the one who brought me here, you might want to ask for her opinion instead “, she told me hesitantly. “But Mom, didn’t you complain to me that you notice the age spots/pigmentations on your face getting darker, your eye bags getting heavier/ deeper and the wrinkles/crows’ feet are getting more obvious nowadays? Lisa’s mother smiled.

The appearance of age spots, saggy cheeks/ naso labial fold, eye bags and crows’ feet are all the usual signs of ageing. From Lisa’s description of her mother’s ageing woos, I reckoned that she wanted the right treatment to restore her mother’s appearance.

Pigmentation problems can be eradicated with the use of proper laser treatment whereas wrinkles/ crows’ feet can be treated with BOTOX.

Lisa’s mother has no qualms about the treatments that I suggested. Hence I started her on a session of laser treatment right away.

“Is it painful?”, I asked while conducting the treatment carefully. “Just a tingle, there’s almost no pain at all”, she answered. “How do you feel now”, I asked with concern.

She then shared. “I’m fine. Actually, Lisa has been eager to bring me here for the treatment of my pigmentation, age spot. I was indecisive then, because I was afraid that it would be painful and would do more harm than good to my face, making me look unnatural and fake. I finally decided to tag along after Lisa told me that it is not painful at all after undergoing the treatment herself for several times. I really must give credits to my Lisa. She’s a good daughter and very obedient since young. Our family was not very well-to-do because her father passed away in accident. She had a tough childhood but despite all the hardship, she had grown up to be a very independent high achiever. This year she wants to give me an aesthetics makeover as a birthday gift, so here I am!”

“I am sure this gift is priceless and comes sincerely from your filial daughter. She understands very well, the hardship you have gone through to bring her up, placing her as your priority rather than your own appearance.  Now that she is capable to take care of you, appreciate and savour every sweet moment of it”, I told her.

 “Really?” Lisa’s mom said with a curvy smile of warmth and happiness.

Most parents if not all, devote their time providing and caring for their children. The selfless act of placing their children’s needs as the top priority often result in them compromising on their own health and needs. As grown-ups, it is time to reciprocate our parents’ unconditional love for us. Phone calls, occasional meals and family trips together are just some of the simple things that we can do to light up their day!

Dr Hoo, although my mother would not admit it, I know she is in fact just as vain as any other woman including me. Please help me and my mother to look prettier, healthier and greater together!”  she said with a twinkle in her eye.

The sudden ‘glow' on her face

I went back to my hometown in recently and stumble upon an unexpected but pleasant surprise.

I was having the usual gathering with my friends over a cuppa. It was one of those occasions where you catch up with your old friends and exchange greetings when you return home. Amongst all of my friends, Catherine was standing out most. She appeared different. There is an unusual glow on her face – a glow that I have not seen in her for years. She looked peaceful with happiness gleaming from her eyes. The smile that she wears amazes me and it was contagious too. It was a glow in the face that I seldom see in the buzzling city that I now live.

Has she undergone any treatment to enhance her face? No way, if there is any, I would have spotted it. New beauty product? Unlikely, as her glow was beyond what a beauty product can bring out. Then how would one explain this? It all happened with a misfortune that turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Catherine’s husband, Jack is heavily career orientated. He works long hours and goes out socializing with friends or clients in the evenings after work. He would look at his smartphone more than he laid his eyes on Catherine. It does not take a genius to know that the couple spends very little time together and speaks even less when being together. 

Three weeks ago, her house was broken into. Jack was with his mates in his usual outing late into the night while Catherine was up in her bedroom, sleeping. The house was broken into and ransacked. Money, jewelries and valuables were taken. She was lucky that her son’s room, in which she was sleeping in with her 6 year old was not broken into. They were safe. When Jack came home that very night, Jack, on seeing the house was in total disarray, rushed upstairs as soon as he could. He was shouting out for Catherine and their 6 year old. They were safe and in fact, so deeply in slumber that they did not even realized that the house was broken into. The misfortunate have made Jack realized how important his family is to him. From that day onward, Jack was spending more time at home and would also plan out activities over the weekend with the family. They are spending more time together as a family.

The feeling of being love and to be in love again, was in fact the real reason behind the glow in her face. Love is indeed the best treatment one can get.

Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had.

Anna Hoo




















“符医生,悄悄告诉你,其实我妈妈也是很爱美的,虽然她不好意思承认,我做女儿的 又哪会不知道呢?你要帮我,让妈妈和我一起越来越漂亮噢!”丽莎说。

William Hoo @ 符气廉

Being a woman

While driving to the nearest supermarket for my groceries, I overheard on the radio, the voice of Malaysian international actress Datuk Michelle Yeoh’s community message.  It was in Cantonese and it sounds like this after my translation.

“A woman does not only dominate her home, but is capable of leading a country”.

I nodded my head with agreement. Married women nowadays are certainly not just merely your home-bound housewives who spend most of their time at home. With the rising cost of living and the rising inflation rate, a majority of women choose to work and have a career of their own, while juggling their different roles in life. Be it being a working single lady, a wife, a working mother, stay-at-home mom, work-at-home mom, driver, cook, you name it.

Women have so many roles to play in today’s fast-paced lifestyle that often we tend to compromise on our own health and well-being, not to mention beauty rituals too!

It is time to start taking care of ourselves with the basic tips below that are often forgotten:

1.  Get enough sleep and rest
Sleeping allows the body to repair and regenerate itself. It also helps the brains to process and file new information collected during the day. To get a restful sleep, reduce the need to use the lap top, Internet, mobile and avoid late-night shows. Going to sleep earlier before midnight is beneficial as every minute of sleep you get before midnight is equivalent to about four minutes after that.

Taking a day off at least once a week from our daily tasks or responsibilities for a complete ‘me’ time also allows us to take a break from the daily stresses, enabling us to recharge our energy to continue our task cycle, which often seem never ending. This prevents exhaustion and build-up of stress that may only deter us from doing more!

2.  Healthy eating
Avoid highly processed, refined, pre-packaged and fast food. These are food bought off-the-shelves that are usually laden with sugar, hydrogenated fats, preservatives, colourings and other additives. As a rule of thumb, the longer the food can be placed on the shelf, the longer the substances will remain in the body and harm our overall body function and performance resulting in a sluggish body. Aim for fresh and natural vegetables and fruits.

3.  Take supplements
As much as we would like to stay nourished by eating healthy wholesome food, our diet would still lack of some essential nutrients due to our often inconsistent daily diet and depletion of nutrients from the soil where most of our food source come from. There are four types of supplements that are necessary for optimal health and performance.
  • Multi-vitamins preferably wholefood multivitamins
  • Balance Trance mineral (eg: zinc, slenium, Magnesium, ETC)
  • Antioxidant : Vit C, CoQ10
  • Omega -3 oils

 More will be discussed about the benefits of the above supplements in the next post.

4.  Exercise
Exercising at least 30 minutes a day helps to relieve our everyday pressure and stress. Try doing some light physical activities that you enjoy such as jogging, swimming, yoga or simply brisk walking or stretching exercises. Exercise also allow better mind and body coordination.

5.  Hydration
Our body consists of more than 70% water. Every individual’s hydration need is different. For example if you weigh 50 kg, you should drink minimum 50 ounces or 1500 ml of pure water a day. That is about 7 to 8 glasses of water.
Let’s practise these diligently as a first step to giving yourself a healthier body and mind, to be able to live better and do more!

By CL,
CL is a new mom, who is still exploring the joy of motherhood. She has chosen to commit to her family and baby while working at home. She believes in giving them the best of love and health by first loving herself. 

















By William Hoo @符气廉








By William Hoo @符气廉







英国美容整形外科医师协会(BAAPS)于9月20日宣布(Mary had a little lipo? Protect children from surgery ads),已向英国广告监管部门(CAP)提交一份关于加强美容外科广告监管的提案,其中明确提出美容外科广告必须遵守12条最低要求,以保护公众(特别是青少年)免受违反伦理的医疗服务侵害及不健康的心理误导。
据较今年较早前发布的一项关于英国公众“体像(body image)”的报告,半数英国公众不满意自己的体像,甚至有5岁女童为自己的外貌尺码感到忧虑。英国美容整形外科医师协会(BAAPS)将导致这一现象的原因归咎于日益泛滥的美容外科广告宣传。


  1. 禁止针对18岁以下人群的所有广告(如对青少年具有吸引力的名人代言广告)
  2. 禁止在儿童能见的公众场所发布广告(如海报、公告牌、公共汽车车身、电视等)
  3. 禁止使用一切形式的价格折扣或经济刺激促销美容外科服务(包括“新年”、“夏季”、“圣诞”等季节性促销)
  4. 禁止使用限时促销(如“周五前预定!”)
  5. 禁止针对“易感”人群(如离婚者、准新娘、产后女性等)广告或折扣促销
  6. 禁止采用“会员卡”刺激多项目或再次消费
  7. 禁止“项目捆绑”或“买一送一”等形式促销广告
  8. 禁止通过代理机构招募美容外科患者(无论英国国内外、无论传统出版物或网络)
  9. 禁止使用可能激发受众对美容外科产生不切实际期望的模特或“患者真人秀”照片(如PS修饰)
  10. 禁止使用减价和折扣券等广告促销
  11. 禁止将美容外科服务作为任何形式的奖励品
  12. 禁止通过价格折扣诱使推介亲友购买美容外科服务。




黄褐斑(Melasma),是另一种纠缠着东南亚地区大多女 性的色 素沉着问题,它在肤色暗沉者脸上较为显见,一般常 见于妊娠或服用避孕丸的女性。

对某些人而言,黄褐斑只不 过是脸颊上的 细小褐色斑 块,但对另一 些人来说,黄 褐斑简直就是 他们脸部最大 的缺陷。

不幸 的是, 黄褐 斑不能单靠 雷射作永久祛除。不过,随着医生的研究发现,这一度被视 为无法根治的毛病,如今可以透过避免日晒、雷射结合护肤 霜的使用,加以控制并遏止其扩散。


by William Hoo



雀斑(Freckles)则有可能遗传自父母,而且 在幼年时期就已开始出现。
或者,这是由于接触到阳光紫外 线所造成。
那 些肤色较浅的 人,尤其是白 种人,较容易 长雀斑。尽管 如此,华人和 马来人也有可 能会长出雀 斑。
色素沉着 的问题虽不足以影响你的健康或整体的养生保健,然而,许 多女士觉得,老人斑和雀斑使她们的脸部看起来“肮脏”。

好消息是,这些色素问题,都可以透过雷射的应用轻易的祛 除。你甚至可以短时间内静悄悄地祛除雀斑,再立刻回到工 作岗位。


雷射、皮肤、色素与你: 治疗老人斑
正如以上所述,雷射的其中一个神奇的功能,就是淡化不均 匀的皮肤色素。
大多数人都有色素沉着的问题,究竟是什么 造成皮肤色素不均匀呢?
排除极少数的遗传疾病因素,色素 沉着问题多半 是由过度曝晒 和荷尔蒙改变 所致。
看看你身 边6 0 开外的 亲朋戚友,我 肯定,你一定 能在他们脸上 找到老人斑(Age Spots,又称肝斑或晒斑),它一般呈褐色 大斑块状。

William Hoo



你是否曾想过接受雷射治疗,却又担心疗程后脸部明显的红 肿,迫使你足不出户,连续一、两个星期避见亲朋戚友?
其 实,这是大众对雷射治疗最大、最普遍的误解。当今,雷射 治疗已是最受欢迎、快速简便的午餐美容疗程(lunch time procedures)之一 。女士们利用短短的午餐时间,即兴的走 入医美诊所来个雷射治疗,然后再回到工作岗位继续工作, 已是一件稀松平常的事了。 


雷射(Laser)是“Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”的缩写,意指藉由激发辐射产生光线增大的作 用。
基 本上,雷射是指某一个波长的光波,集中成一道强聚的光 束。这道光束具有能量,在各个特定的波长中,雷射有不同 的反应和作用,因此可被用来处理不同的问题。

在医学美容界,常用的雷射包括:Q-Switch铷-雅铬雷射 (Q-switch Nd:YAG)、长脉冲铷-雅铬雷射(Long Pulse Nd:YAG)、二氧化碳飞梭雷射(Fractional CO2)、二氧化碳 雷射(CO2 lasers)、紫翠玉雷射(Alexandrite lasers)和钾 钛磷雷射(KTP lasers)。

雷射被用来祛除纹身、妊娠纹、晒 斑、皱纹、胎记、蜘蛛网状静脉曲张,甚至是多余的毛发。 雷射的多元功能真可谓神奇无比!


By William Hoo

整形/微整形/医学美容 会上瘾吗?

照片转载自网络Botox Cosmetic (Before and After Botox Glabella Rx)

整形/微整形/医学美容 会上瘾吗?





当然,也有些是病态的爱“美”状态。有一种病症叫做躯体变形障碍 (Body Dysmorphic Disorder),病人们会对想象或轻微外表缺陷有先占观念,意思是总会自我想象自己的外表有缺陷,无论多少次的整形/微整形或医学美容,都无法满足,他们需要的疗程是见精神科医生治疗。这是会让人误解会上瘾的原因。

by William Hoo


肤质稍偏黑的阿雪脸上有很多雀斑,文静的她第二次过来做镭射疗程的时候忽然开口: “现在我总算才可以放心的在这里进行疗程了。”

 “怎么说呢?”我有点好奇。 阿雪叹了口气,才娓娓道来。












 By William Hoo @ 符气廉

“Enough, is enough !”

With the general public beginning to accept aesthetic treatment as a way to enhance a person’s appearance, just as cosmetics do, more and more patients come for treatment to improve the facial aging sign.

Belle, a mother of two teenage children first came to my clinic feeling uncertain about aesthetic procedures. She is a stay-home mum for her kids. Now that her kids are grown up, she wanted a new lease of life.

A consultation was carried out. We focused our discussion on the problem areas that she is concerned the most, and as usual, I asked her to go home to think about it and come back when she is mentally prepared for the treatment.
She appeared two weeks later. A procedure was carried out. She went home happily.

As she came for her follow up, I noticed that she was wearing brighter coloured clothes and she was happy. I was happy for her too. I felt that I have helped her improved her quality of life.

A month later, she came back for more enhancement treatment. She was wanted to add volume to plush up her lips. Two months later, she wanted more fillers on the lips.  “Doctor Hoo, I want to have even fuller lips,” she said. “But you look absolutely fabulous right now!”, I replied.  I assessed her face again, with the current ratio of the thickness of the upper and lower lips, it’s considered fulfilling the golden ratio of the face, and instituting more hyaluronic acid treatment would over do her face. I politely declined.

As one sees results in the treatment, it encourages the person to seek more treatment to perfect the treatment area. Just as all other good things in life, it is never enough because when a patient looks at the problem area, he/she will magnify the problem. Instead, we should look not only at the problematic part, but how to optimize it so that the treated area matches well with the rest of the face, and in the same time, reserves one’s signature feature. This is the challenging part of aesthetics. And it’s never easy. The patient and doctor will need to have the same aim.

Though it is tempting for more, we constantly need to remind ourselves the purpose of the treatment - to improve our image and quality of life. Over treatment may jeopardise one’s beauty; I have seen people’s lives turned dysfunctional or their beauty being jeopardised during his/her overly enthusiast quest to beautify themselves. Then, the whole purpose of aesthetic treatment has already swayed. It should help to improve lives rather than ruining them.

The wisdom now lies in finding the balance; finding the grey between the black and white, and the centre between the extremes. Once balance is struck, take a deep breath, and say to ourselves, enough is enough.   


符医生,我觉得还是不够呢! 嘴角边可以再多加一点玻尿酸吗?贝丽照着镜子,一边不满意的说。








William Hoo @ 符气廉

Dark eye circle

I sensed trouble in the air as Rebecca walked hurriedly into my office without an appointment. Well, Rebecca is a close friend of mine and she has a successful career and an appearance that make her peers envy.  She came looking for me for an “emergency”. 
She is due for a photo shoot and she has dark eye circles from her previous weeks of hectic schedule working on a project. 
“You have got to get rid of this dark eye circles and make me look stunning,” she said with a grin.

Well, dark eye circle is not something uncommon, but it is truly embarrassing problem. It makes people appear tired and it steals the gleam in the eyes. It remains one of the problems that rattles around our brain albeit us trying hard to ignore it. Why, oh why do we have dark eye circle? The causes are many. Some people have it because of the underlying inflammation at the nasal sinuses; while some others get it because of hereditary pigment problems. More often than not, people get it because of the loss of the tissues around the under-eye area or the so called tear trough. The skin under eye thins out in the same time. When light shines, a deficient tear trough would be cast dark hue making it darker than the surrounding tissue.

Well the loss is part of aging. We cannot stop aging, but we certainly can prevent causes that accelerate it.  Unhealthy eating habits, lack of rest, smoking and drinking are some of the shenanigans that we so badly adore which may affect the tear trough. Peering on screen (computer or the television) for long hours is one of the culprits too. Logic tells us that if the cause for it is lacking in underlying tissue, a quick fix, though not permanent, will mean to replenish the under-eye tissues, giving it volume to prevent hue from building up at the eye trough.  This can be done using ultrafine needles which leave mosquito sting-size marks.

Two sessions of under eye hyaluronic acid injections later, Rebecca was seen beaming with big smile. “I know you can fix this,” she said while looking satisfactorily in the mirror. “Stop the fags and the effect of the injections will last even longer,” I nagged like a grandmother.

“I will try, but no promises,” as she walks out of my office feeling chirpy as usual.












William Hoo 符气廉

Guidelines soon on aesthetic treatment

Guideline for Aesthetic practice are soon available. For those who aim to get aesthetic treatment procedure done, please get a proper clinic and trained doctor to do so. What we want is improvement, but not complications.

Today news on Star:

Malaysian Society of Aesthetic Medicine president Dr Louis Leh said the main aim was to promote safe aesthetic medicine and cut down on people turning to fly-by-night operators.
“Many don’t know where to go for such treatment and they end up with botched jobs,” he said, adding that beauty consultants were not supposed to handle tasks that required the use of needles or knives

“On whether beauty consultants could hire trained aesthetic doctors to do minor procedures at their centres, he said doctors were not allowed to do so because the Private Facilities and Services Act required them to practise in a proper medical set-up." 

Further reading @http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=%2F2012%2F7%2F15%2Fnation%2F11667960&sec=nation#.UANmuAFuJ3o.facebook

By Dr William