Botulinum Toxin Brand available in Malaysia: Botox & Dysport

There are only 2 brands Registered with our MOH Ministry of Health in Mlaysia


Make sure you (or your doctor) use the genuine Product for your aesthetic treatments related with botulinum toxin treatment.










Dr William

Birthmarks Reduction

Birthmarks are often referred to irregularity of the skin. These are actually misnomer as some actually appears after birth. These irregularities may form from abnormal pigments or blood vessels and they stand out from the surrounding skin, causing emotional unease. For ease of description, we shall refer them collectively as “birthmarks”.

There are several types of birthmarks that respond very well to laser treatment. Café-au-lait macules, which are brown birthmarks of varying size appearing over the body; Nevus of Ota, are dark coloured birthmark that normally appears around the eye on one side of the face while Portwine stains are flat vascular birthmarks that appears dark reddish. When they appear on the body, they may not be as disturbing but to the unfortunate few who are plagued by these condition on the face, they may feel inferior to others.
Laser emits light in nanoseconds, targeting specific layer of the skin. When the laser light hits the birthmark, the laser energy is absorbed by the pigment cells in the birthmark and destroys them. Depending on the kind of birthmark and severity of the lesion, several sessions of treatment is usually required for total resolution. The treatments are usually performed once every 1 to 3 months. Café-au-lait macules usually require five or more treatments, while Nevus of Ota can require more than 10 sessions.
While we aim for complete clearance, often, a significant lightening of the birthmark to about 70-90% is achieved. The lightened birthmark is easily concealed with a light foundation or sunscreen. Almost all of our patients are satisfied with such level of treatment results.


记得开始学习施打玻尿酸Dermal Filler的时候,大多数讲师都是来自国外的医生,他们所教导的也都是国外的审美观而带来的疗程后效果。那个时候学习的都是经典教科书所教导的方式,在什么部位,使用什么样的题材,需要注意安全的地方,每一个部位,每一个地方都是千遍一律的相同施打方法与技术,出来的效果,也大同小异。


答案是: 不



修复的施打方式 ,注重于改善岁月催人老而带来的面部体积流失的问题(volume loss),骨质流失,地心引力带来的下垂影响,和皮肤里组织流失。简单的说,玻尿酸是用来填补流失的体积与空间,带回来年轻时的模样。







Dr William

肉毒杆菌素 = 神经调节物质

Botulinum Toxin A 简称 BTA 一直是我们对 BOTOX, Dysport 的通用名称。
Botox 或 Dysport 其实是厂方或品牌的名称。
Botulinum Toxin A = Neuro Modulator

原因是大众听到 Toxin 这一个 毒素的称号,就下意识感觉这是一个具有危险性的物品。
事实上,只要是药物,都会有它的危险性,不过据市场调查员得回来的报告,大众对于这一个新称呼: 神经调节物质 会感觉比较有安全感,和觉得这疗程听起来很专业。



Dr William Hoo

Can we treat mood with aesthetics?

I attended an interesting talk recently, it was delivered by a renowned plastic surgeon, Dr Steven H. Dayan from Chicago.  Dr Dayan shared his experience and research on whether we can uncouple the cerebral circuits that process negative emotions and treat mood aesthetically.

Botulinum toxin can improve an individual’s self-esteem and quality of life by improving physical appearance, could it have extra benefit in playing a role as an “antidepressant”?

My immediate response to this question was “Wow, why I have never thought of it?  If it really does, BOTOX will not only enhance outlook, it will also elevate mood and make patient truly happy inside out.”

Women who wear makeup reported that they feel 65% more attractive and feel 47% more confident. Why it is so? When we look good, we will feel good and we will like the way we look in a mirror or selfie.  Botulinum toxin will help to minimize the signs of aging, wrinkles around forehead, crow’s feet and glabella. When we look in a mirror every morning and notice we getting younger, looking better, definitely we will start our day with a happy mood and positive energy.

Frowning will emit negative energy; give impression of angriness, sadness and disappointment. We know that emotion can be contagious, we mimic the expression and then our own body kinaesthesia and sensation forges the emotion. When we mix with people with happy mood, we will mimic their smiles and other positive facial expression subconsciously, which will make us happy as well.

In conclusion, by reducing frowning and smile more often, this type of facial expression will  response  in a way that influences mood favorably. It would not only make the person receive botulinum toxin injection feel happy, the positive mood will be transmitted to his or her family members and colleagues. Eventually he or she will have harmony and happy life in work and family.

Positive expressions can improve quality of life. Interactions with women with positive expressions were predicted to be more rewarding. What is our mission in Anna Hoo Clinic? It is so much deeper and more meaningful than just making people beautiful.



Dr Anna 和我们分享她以前面对很多情绪低潮的病人的时候,如何应对。






“谁说的?”我问道, 道听途说的消息很多时候都不准确。











By Dr William Hoo

Things you shouldn't do after the treatment of Botulinum Toxin A (BTA)

Botulinum toxin A (BTA) has gained more recognition in the field of cosmetic, aesthetic and anti-aging medicine in recent years. The appeal of BTA is undeniable in a society that places great emphasis on personal appearance. Even so, many are hesitant to take the first step because of niggling fears and negative perceptions. I had a patient asking me this after a BTA injection, “Doctor, can I go for jogging later?” And this was my answer, “It’s not advisable to jog immediately but there is no reason why you cannot do so by tomorrow.” I notice many patients harbor various concerns regarding BTA treatment and most are curious about the dos and don’ts after the treatment. I shall try to elaborate on that as well as provide the rationale behind them.

Ladies love their facial spas and massages. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with indulging in this form of self-pampering activity. However, it is best to schedule your appointments at least 48 hours after BTA treatment. This is to prevent diffusion of the BTA into adjacent muscles, which may result in unwanted effects such as drooping of eyelids.

Strenuous exercise or activities should be avoided at least a day after the treatment.  During the procedure, as a needle is inserted into the skin, it may nick a small capillary or vein. This minor bleeding is easily arrested with gentle compression without leaving any trace of bruising. Be that as it may, if you exert yourself, your heart rate will increase and more blood will be pumped to the face. The increase in blood flow to the already injured capillary or vein may cause it to re-bleed and increase the risk of bruising.

The same theory applies to alcohol intake, which should be avoided for at least 24 hours after treatment. Alcohol causes dilatation of the capillaries and veins. As previously explained, the injured capillary or vein tends to bleed again and the risk of bruising is increased.

Patient should make a concerted effort to avoid sauna or exposure to heat immediately after BTA. After BTA injection, you may experience redness and swelling at the site of injection. Under normal circumstances, these effects will gradually fade away without any treatment. However, the redness and swelling may persist and take longer duration to subside when exposed to heat.

Swimming is also not advisable right after BTA treatment. There will be minute puncture wounds over the face where BTA was injected. The number of puncture wounds is dependent on the extent of treatment. There is an increased risk of infection when these wounds come into contact with water from the swimming pool, which most often than not, are not very hygienic.

Lastly, avoid consuming blood-thinning supplements such as ginseng, ginko bilboa, vitamin E, fish oil and etc. These supplements may increase the risk of bruising. This may not be feasible for those suffering from heart-related conditions and are on long-term aspirin or warfarin. Considering the pros and cons of withholding the medication, it is far better to continue taking your medication and endure temporary aesthetic inconvenience than risk succumbing to your disease.

If there are further questions, feel free to approach any of us in Anna Hoo Clinic. We are more than happy to address whatever doubts and concerns you might have.

Sharing by Dr Ian Tan

The Medical Power of Light - IntimaLase

Botulinum toxin injection Experiences by Dr Amy Wee

Botulinum toxin injection is getting more popular and more easily accepted by general population nowadays. However still have some people are worried about getting botulinum toxin injection on their face due to some misconceptions they have.

I aware about this during a gathering with old friends recently. My friend compliment I look younger, happier and more fresh looking now. She also noticed my face was lifted and more oval shape now, not as round as before. I noticed she has wrinkles around the eye ( crows feet ), and suggested her to get botulinum toxin injection which can soften the wrinkles and make her look younger.

She was not keen for it, because she was worried the “ plastic look” she might get after botox injection. She does not want others to notice a dramatic changes on her and commented her has aesthetic procedure done on her.

After listening to her concerns, I revealed the secret of how I get younger look now, which was I had  botulinum toxin injection two months ago. She was surprised , as my look was so natural and definitely not have “plastic look”. I explained to her that botulinum toxin is not used to keep us from making facial grimaces and frowns that have become habits and are unintended. Botulinum toxin does not actually erase lines but relaxes them, which mean deeper lines will become somewhat less deep and superficial lines will nearly disappear. When done correctly, most people who are not trained in aesthetic will not notice that a BTA procedure has been performed but you will look more rested or happier.

My friend felt more ease after listening to my explanation about injection of botulinum toxin. However she still has another concern , which was she may need to get botulinum toxin injection on regular basis, if not her wrinkles will get worse. The effect from botulinum toxin will last four to six months. As muscle action gradually returns, the lines and wrinkles begin to reappear and need to be treated again. The lines and wrinkles often appear less severe with time because the muscles are being trained to relax.

Sharing by Dr Amy Wee