


65岁的她,双腿的膝盖都有退化性关节炎的问题,膝盖的疼痛不由⾃主的让她减少 活动,她认为是膝盖动太多了,所以要多休息,连平⽇早上的晨⾛都停掉了。可 是,膝盖的疼痛却仿佛变严重了,⽽⼀段⽇⼦后,发现膝盖周围的肌⾁都开始萎缩 了。 

膝盖的问题我们就请她的⻣科医⽣为她把关照顾,⽽我们就以我们诊所的脉冲电磁 感应场疗程为她改善情况:磁波刺激肌⾁的⽣⻓(Magnetic Muscle stimulation), 电磁感应场改善关节疼痛与复原。 

由于她需要⼈载送过来诊所,所以原定⼀星期两次的疗程变得⼀星期⼀次。居家我 们就教导她如何开始深蹲,不过刚开始肌⾁软弱的关系,我们从她坐着椅⼦,拉着 扶⼿站起来开始练习,⼀步⼀步慢慢的增强肌⾁的⼒量。饮⻝也是关键,建议她吃 ⾜量的蛋⽩质,然后避免⼀些会造成身体慢性发炎的⻝物,提供身体⾜够的原料, 以增加肌⾁量。 

照⽚是她的肌⾁量增⻓,每⼀个星期都有进展。⽽今天,当仪器放在⼤腿肌⾁上的 时候,她很开⼼的告诉我们:你们看,我的⼤腿肌⾁收缩着,把⼩腿拉上来了。 疼痛改善良多,现在早上重新晨⾛,吃⾜够的营养,整个⼈的⽓⾊都不⼀样了。 

⼈体关节⽼化,当缺乏⾜够的肌⾁及肌⼒,就⽆法分担关节承受的压⼒,如此⼀来 就增加关节负担,甚⾄造成关节磨损及发炎产⽣。⾯對膝蓋的退化,現在醫界認為 最有效的⾯對⽅式,是要減少久坐,控制體重,並做⼀些加強肌⼒的運動訓練,再配合藥物⽌痛。

Dr. William Hoo
Anna Hoo Clinic

Ref :

StarFormer® TightWave® | Fotona
TESLA Stym - Iskra Medical
Preventive Effects of Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation on Muscle Atrophy in the Paretic Lower Limb of Acute Stroke Patients: A Pilot Study (nih.gov)
Magnetic stimulation device speeds up muscle healing The Engineer


Ever wondered why you experience stomach discomfort after consuming milk or dairy products?

Fret not, an estimated 65% of the population endures the same struggle due to lactose intolerance – a condition that is more common than you think.

What is Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is a condition in which an individual experiences digestive discomfort after consuming lactose, a form of carbohydrate that is primarily found in milk and milk products.

A lactose intolerant individual does not make lactase, an enzyme that is required to digest and break down lactose into simple sugars glucose and galactose, which can then be absorbed into the blood. Instead, undigested lactose moves through the gut, where it is fermented by bacteria – leading to digestive discomfort such as:

·       Bloating

·       Stomach cramps

·       Gas

·       Diarrhea

·       Nausea

·       Vomiting 

These symptoms usually develop within 30 minutes to 2 hours after consumption, with the severity depending on how much lactose an individual consumes and can tolerate. 

Causes of Lactose Intolerance

Our body naturally produces lactase during infancy in order to digest milk but gradually decreases production over time to a sufficient amount that allows us to consume small amounts of dairy in the typical diet.  However, there are 3 causes of lactose intolerance.

1. Primary

The most common form is caused by a sharp decrease in lactase production that persists into adulthood. It may be partially caused by genes as studies have shown how lactose intolerance is more common among Asians and Africans as compared to Europeans and Americans.


Decrease in lactase production due to inflammation in the intestine due to illness or injury such as coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease, chemotherapy or long course of antibiotics. Lactase production may be restored if the underlying illness is treated.


In rare cases, a genetic disorder leads to congenital lactose intolerance, which affects newborn babies who produce very little or no lactase.

Treatment for Lactose Intolerance

While there is no treatment available to produce more lactase enzyme, symptoms can be controlled by removing milk and dairy products from the diet. It is also important to read food labels to identify any source of dairy in the ingredient list.

What foods contain lactose?

Lactose is found in dairy products including Cow’s milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt and butter.

Other foods that could contain lactose due to added dairy products include:

  •  Creamy sauces
  •  Biscuits
  • Cakes and bread
  • Breakfast cereal
  • Instant meals
  • Potato chips 

Read through the product ingredient list and watch out for the following terms:

Milk, Whey, Casein, Curds, Cheese, Milk Solids, Milk byproducts.

Besides that, look out for the statement “may contain milk”. 

Alternatives to Dairy

To most people, dairy products are an important source of calcium, protein, and Vitamins A and D. Hence, it is important to obtain these nutrients from other food sources when eliminating dairy. Some food alternatives for these nutrients include:

1.     Calcium: Sardine, dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds, beans, broccoli

2.     Vitamin A: Carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, papaya, mango

3.     Vitamin D: Exposure to natural sunlight, fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel.



By Nutritionist Zuanne
Anna Hoo Clinic











Intermittent Fasting is getting its popularity among health-conscious individual due to its positive outcomes. Intermittent Fasting is not a diet but is an eating pattern that has various timing scheduled between the period of fasting and eating. The common methods of intermittent fasting include the 16/8 method, 5:2 method and alternate day fasting. The method that highly recommended is the 16/8 method also known as time-restricted feeding,

Time-restricted feeding referring to an eating period of 8 hours and a fasting period of 16 hours. There is no calorie restriction during the eating window, however, eating the right food plays an important role in the best outcome. This method can be done on daily basis. It is the most popular one and highly recommended as it easy and safe to follow for beginners.


Practising intermittent fasting helps in burning excess body fat hence leads to weight reduction. A normal eating pattern causes your body to use glucose (sugar) as the source of energy whereas by doing IMF, the body shift from utilising glucose to fat to burn for energy. Over time this causes the body to shed excess body fats and reduce weight.

A hormone called Insulin will be released by the body with sugar present in the blood. Frequent meal intake spikes and crashes insulin level which over time may lead to insulin resistance and conversion of excess sugar into fat. IMF practise having been proved to regulate the blood sugar level by preventing spike of insulin level.  In a study, individuals with diabetes that practised 16/8 IMF for two weeks have seen a significant reduction in sugar level and weight loss.

Fasting helps in promoting good cholesterol HDL and decreased bad cholesterol LDL and triglyceride. Research has been shown to inhibit the formation of atherosclerotic plaque hence reduce the risk of heart disease. A 2019 clinical trial showed that patients with metabolic syndrome who fasted overnight for 14 hours experienced a significant reduction in blood pressure, total body fat, and waist circumference.

An unhealthy eating lifestyle and a very highly-stressful lifestyle contributes to increased inflammation.  In the journal Rejuvenation Research, alternate-day fasting helped reduce markers of oxidative stress. With the reduction of oxidative stress, it is proven fasting may help to reduce inflammation and prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer.


What to eat and how to start the IMF?

During 16 hours of fasting, it is not recommended to eat any food but drinking zero-calorie beverages such as green tea, black coffee, or water is acceptable. Always remember hydration is crucial in weight management. 

Eating is typically focusing on healthier and balanced foods for a better outcome. For weight management, it is important to control the portion of carbohydrate to prevent conversion of sugar to fat. Therefore the recommended portion for carbohydrate is 20% of your plate while protein makes up 30% and vegetables 50%. Protein is essential in your diet to prevent muscle loss. It is best to choose whole food instead of processed food to reduce toxin accumulation and prevent inflammation.

Beginners may start IMF with 12 hours fasting and gradually increase to 16 hours when the body is ready. Going straight from feasting all day long to 16-hour fasting can be really shocking for your body.


Although the IMF is beneficial, it may not be suitable for everyone. Some group of people may need to avoid practising IMF:

•             Children and teenagers

•             Pregnant and lactating mother

•             Hypoglycaemia/Low blood sugar level and Diabetes Type 1

•             Malnutrition and eating disorders

•             Inflammatory bowel disease

Last but not least, IMF can be a part of our healthy lifestyle routine but then again with proper monitoring, this eating pattern is considered safe and may give you the expected outcomes. To ensure this eating pattern is suitable for you, you may talk to our doctors and nutritionist at ANNA HOO CLINIC.


By Nutritionist Moga






  1. 促进肠道代谢,帮助排便,从而预防便秘等肠道问题。
  2. 有助于减少患结石问题的风险。
  3. 降低血液粘稠度,血栓问题的患病风险。
  4. 加速尿酸的排出,避免尿酸在体内堆积,预防高尿酸、痛风等问题。
  5. 餐前适当饮水,有助于促进身体新成代谢。
  6. 有利于维持健康体温和体内的散热。









·       养成外出时随身携带一瓶水的习惯,随时补充水分。

·       用餐前先喝水,有助于减少总热量摄入。

·       新鲜白开水最佳,用白开水替代果汁,碳酸饮料,能量饮料等。

·       饮水少量多次更利于吸收,每次喝水量200-250ml小口慢喝,不给身体过分增加压力。






Anna Hoo Clinic





1.    The Nutrition Source. 2021. Water. [online] Available at: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/water/


2.    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2021. Water and Healthier Drinks. [online] Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/healthy_eating/water-and-healthier-drinks.html


3.    NHS, UK. 2021. Dehydration. [online] Available at: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dehydration/