What is protein?

Protein is a part of our cells and tissues in the body which is made up of amino acid blocks. Protein is the most essential component for energy, bone density, enzyme production, hormone production, tissue formation, and muscle growth. Our body skeletal muscles contain approximately 75% water, 20% protein, 1–10% fat, and 1% glycogen. There are two types of amino acids which are essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids.  Essential amino acids are the protein blocks our body cannot produce and can be sourced out from food while non-essential amino acids can be produced by our body.

Our body needs a complete protein which contains all the 9 types of essential amino acids to repair and grow. Food with complete protein is animal-based such as beef, fish, poultry, eggs, dairies, pea, and soy. Certain plant-based proteins such as lentils, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and whole grains may not have the complete essential amino acids that our body needs. Therefore it is important to have a balanced diet especially when you are a vegetarian. Protein supplements such as branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) and pea protein powder can be helpful in gaining muscle mass while on an exercise regime.

How much protein is enough? 

The protein requirement of an adult is based on the body mass. The minimum requirement for a healthy adult to prevent lean body mass loss is about 0.8g protein per kg body mass. However, recommended protein intake for physically active adults is between 1.2-2.0g protein per kg body mass.

Muscle gain happens when the protein synthesis is higher than the protein breakdown while muscle loss happens when the protein synthesis is lesser than protein breakdown. Hence it is important to take sufficient protein in every meals and do exercise to build skeletal muscles.

Below is the list of common food and the protein content:

  •  One large egg has 6 grams of protein
  • 100 grams of beef has about 26 grams of protein
  • 100 grams chicken breast has about 31 grams of protein
  •  One cup of dried beans has about 16 grams of protein
  •  One container (170g) of Greek yogurt has about 17 grams of protein
  • One cup of broccoli has about 3 grams of protein
  • 1 cashew has about 5 grams of protein
  • 100 grams salmon has about 22 grams of protein
  •  One cup of lentils has about 18 grams of protein
  • 30 grams of pea protein powder has about 25 grams of protein

By Nutritionist Moga


Carbone J.W and Pasiakos S.M, 2019. Dietary Protein and Muscle Mass: Translating Science to Application and Health Benefit. Nutrients. 2019 May; 11(5): 1136.

Cataldo D, and Blair M. 2015. Protein intake for optimal muscle maintenance. American College of Sports Medicine. 





1. 高血压 - 钠盐与血压的水平是成正相关的,吃得越咸,人体钠摄入量越多,血压水平就越高。

2. 心血管疾病 - 人体内的钠量过多,会造成体内水滞留,导致血管内压力升高,阻力增大,照成心脏负荷加重,长期容易引发心脏肿大、心衰等疾病,增加动脉硬化的风险。

3. 加快肾脏老化 - 饮食中的盐分95%是由肾脏代谢排出的,如果过多的钠摄入,无疑会加重肾脏的负担。肾脏长期处于高滤过的超负荷工作状态,肾脏老化的速度就会加快,容易引发肾病。

4. 水肿 - 当过量摄入食盐,钠在体内含量过高引起血容量增加,体内组织间液增加。为了维持平衡,体内会锁住更多的水分来稀释这些盐分。体内积水增多就会出现水肿,肾脏的负荷也会加大。




主食(1):咖喱面(2456mg), 槟城叻沙(2281mg), 炒面(2224mg), 炒粿条(1704mg), 炒饭(1465mg), 鸡饭(1287mg)


加工食品(100):罐头浓缩汤料(20000mg), 快熟面(2000mg),加工肉类如咸肉香肠火腿培根(>1500mg)


调味品(100):鸡精(18864mg), 味精(8160mg), 辣椒酱(8027mg), 豆瓣酱(6012mg), 酱油(5757mg), 咸鸭蛋(2706mg), 花生酱(2340mg)









1. 限制每日食盐摄入量,确保这一点的好方法是避免加工食品,减少使用高钠含量的调味料,选择用天然香料取代来烹调食物。


2. 避免摄入过多的酱料比如水果上的酸梅粉,沙拉里的沙拉酱,还有加在其他食物里的酱油和番茄酱等。


3. 选择新鲜的蔬菜,水果,肉类,鱼类,海鲜。可选择富含高钾的食物包括:豆类,坚果,蔬菜(菠菜,花椰菜,南瓜等),水果(木瓜,柑橘等)







Lara 营养师
Anna Hoo Clinic