Treatment for Dark Eye Circles

This is a follow up post of an earlier article that discussed on the causes of dark circle under the eyes.  Treatment of dark circle under the eyes is related to its cause. These are some of the ways we can treat these dark circles under the eyes.

Appropriate eye care – The eyes deserve the type of care you would give to the skin over other parts of the body. It needs to be well hydrated and protected against UV rays. Do apply adequate moisturiser and sunblock to the undereye area. This slows down the regression of the underlying supportive tissues while preventing formation of skin pigment after sun exposure.

Healthy eye habits – Healthy eye habits are crucial to prevent dark circles. Avoid over straining of the eye but wearing sunglasses under the glaring sun, rest for 5 minutes every 20 minutes of peering into the computer screen, avoid reading in the dark are some of the ways to avoid engorgement of the blood vessels. Also do avoid rubbing the eyes.

Adequate sleep – It is not entirely false if your mother said the dark circles form because we don’t get enough sleep. Having enough sleep prevent straining of the eyes when you look at glaring object (like your phone). Also we tend not to rub our eyes as much if we have enough sleep.

Medical treatment – For those people who already developed these dark circles, all hope is not lost. One can seek treatment from an aesthetic doctor where lasers can help to decongest these blood vessels or injectables can be injected to rejuvenate and replenish the supportive tissues. For further information, do contact us at 603 77267626.

Dark Circles Under The Eyes

Many of us suffer from dark circles under our eyes. Some people, unfortunately, do get it more easily than others. Here is a simple explanation as why it forms.

The skin under our eyes is thin. There is not much fat around the area. If there is further reduction of the fat tissue or enlargement of the vessels underneath the skin, or deposition of pigments, there will be dark circle under eyes.  Factors that encourages thinning of the fat tissue or dilatation of the underlying blood vessels are:

Ageing – Aging causes a regression of the supportive tissues under the skin.

Hereditary – Some people tends to develop regression of the tissue around that area easier than others. This is especially so in people who have deeper skin colour.

Eye strain – Constant straining of the eyes eg. peering into computer screen over a long period, drivers who frequently drive under the glaring sun, reading in the dark; causes strain to the eyes. This results in engorgement of the underlying blood vessels.

Frequent rubbing – The habit of rubbing the eyes thins the supporting tissue. In the meantime, people who tend to rub their eyes are those who are sleepy or with strained eyes, the strained eyes encourage engorgement of these vessels.

Pigment deposition – When exposed to the sun, the skin will stimulate production of the pigments. As these pigments are not eliminated fast enough, they accumulate and cause darkening of the skin over the area.

There you have it, some of the causes of dark circles under the eyes. How many of the risk factors do you have?

Do you have bra bulge or under arm fat pad?

Underarm fat pad, or axillary fat pad is the fat that bulges out of the sides of the bra at the underarms. It is unsightly when you wear singlet or swimwear but importantly, it is very difficult to remove it. There are two main ways to remove it though.

Exercise and diet – this is the traditional way and by far, the best way to remove underarm fat. Exercise which targets the muscles over the chest, namely the pectoralis major and minor, as well as the shoulder muscles, namely the deltoid. Exercise over these muscles burns fat while healthy diet prevents re-accumulation of fat over those areas.

Fat lipolysis – Modern technologies have devised machines that burn away or destroy the fat around specific targeted area. The targeted area is spot on and there is no side effect onto the nerves and blood vessels under the arm. The laser therapy is fast and non invasive, and is overwhelmingly the preferred choice in the current era.

Surgery – Surgery is an effective but invasive way of fat removal. It cuts open the overlying skin and removes the fat pad while meticulously avoiding the vital structures over the area. In view of bilateral nature of the fat pad, more than one cut is required to achieve the desired effect.

The best way to deal with underarm fat pad is still avoiding it. Do practice a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly to prevent it from forming a large bulge. If you need any help, do consult us or call us at : 603 77267626

Stress : Ways to manage it effectively

The level of stress endured by us often shows up on our face. Living in constant stress leads to poorer quality of sleep, poorer quality of our skin tone and formation of wrinkles. However, we cannot run away from stress. We just need to learn how to deal with it. These are my five tips on how to deal with stress:

Be realistic – Often times, we want to do everything under the sun. We want to excel in our work, our relationship, our family while needing to find time for ourselves, our hobbies, friends, society and the environment. It is not possible to do everything. Just be realistic and prioritise. What is most important now? Concentrate on one thing at a time.

Learn to say no – Being Asian, we try to please people around us. We will say yes to everything thrown onto us. Learn how to say no! If we cannot handle it, just decline it. Declining is not a sign of failure. Rather, it is a sign that we can prioritise and stay focus.

Have some “me time” – People use their “me time” to get away from their stressful life. Meditate, exercise or even going out with your friends. It takes you away from the very thing that stresses you.

Allocate time to rest – Rest is something that we don’t get enough of. We don’t sleep early enough as we have not finished out work. Even when we sleep early, our quality of sleep is poor. We have difficulty falling asleep or we wake up too early. Learning to take afternoon naps is important especially your sleep at night is poor.

Holidays – Try having holidays for a couple of days where the phones are switched off; mails are not checked and there is no one else except your friends and loved ones. You will find that you will feel more relaxed and can sleep better. The holiday need not be a getaway to a faraway place. It can be somewhere local, as long as private time is observed.

Facial traits in men that makes lasting impression

Growing number of men are seeking aesthetic treatment. However, most doctors in the aesthetic field treats women more than men. The men ended up appearing more feminine after the treatment. These are some of the features men should retain or enhance in an aesthetic treatment:

Maturity – take George Clooney for example. He exudes a sense of maturity and wisdom with his mature look. Hence men should retain some amount of wrinkles and grey hair to exude the sense of maturity.

 Strong jawline – even as you watch cartoon, hero characters tends to be drawn with strong jawlines. A strong jawline demonstrate good health, strength and masculine.

Prominent chin – A prominent chin bodes well with a strong jawline. Both give a distinctive impression of being strong, decisive and masculine. Many Asian men have smaller chins, which fortunately can be enhanced using modern medical technologies.

Radiant skin – A radiant skin exudes confidence and gives an impression that he looks after himself well. A person with greater self-control has a higher chance of controlling his destiny better and gets things done.

Is Your Neck Revealing Your Age ?

The skin over our neck is thin and lacks support. It dries easily as the oil and sweat glands are not as many compared to the other parts of the body. Hence the skin over the neck tends to sag and form wrinkles easily. Here are some of the ways to deal with it:

Look after your neck as well as you look after your face – we often apply moisturisers and sunscreen over our face but rarely over our neck. Our neck in fact requires more tender, love and care compared to our face given the higher propensity for sagging and wrinkles.

Laser therapy – laser therapy can give tissue tightening, stimulate new collagen formation and improve hydration over the treated area. It gives the skin over the neck a good rejuvenation. Because of the specific nature of the laser therapy, the underlying structures of the neck e.g. blood vessels, nerves, airways and oesophagus will not be affected at all.

Injectables – Botulinum toxin softens the muscles, which are over-contracting, and pulling the skin southwards while platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) helps to improve regeneration and hydration of the overlying skin.

Reduce fat over the neck – while having some improves of the support over the neck, having too much of it will add weight to the overlying skin and cause a dragging effect on the skin over the neck. Reducing the fat over the neck will help to reduce the drag, not to mention relieving the potential airway obstruction during sleep.

Aging Gracefully

No one can defy the effect of aging onto our appearance. Nobody likes what aging does to our appearance but we certainly can make aging a graceful process. Here are some of the tips to do so :

Prevention is better than cure - Preventing wrinkles and open pores formation are better than treating them once they are formed. Keeping the skin well hydrated, religious use of sunscreen and taking lots of fruits and vegetable are great ways to keep aging signs at bay. Once aging has set in, prevent it from getting worse !

De-stress - Constant stressful condition encourages frequent frowning, poor quality of sleep and indulgence in too much coffee or cigarette. These will accelerate aging. Thus, engaging in healthy way of de-stressing yourself e.g. sports, short getaways, meditation and etc. are important in today's hectic life.

Maintain a positive outlook - Studies have shown that people who are positive appear younger than their peers who are negative. Life is too short to sweat over small stuff. Live life rather than worry about it !

Treat yourself well - It is important that you feel good about yourself and celebrate your achievements rather than pondering about your failures. Treat yourself well. Pamper yourself with a facial or spa treatment. Go for a holiday getaway. Put on your favorite dress as well as some makeup to allow yourself to shine !

How to choose the right aesthetic doctor for you?

You have made up your mind. You wanted to get an aesthetic procedure done. The question is, how do you choose your aesthetic doctor? We may have a few pointers to help you with choosing your doctor!

  1. Make sure that the person providing the treatment is a qualified doctor. All doctors are required by the law to display their annual practicing certificate (practicing license). Make sure that these are legitimate doctors as aesthetic medicine can only be prescribed by medical doctors.
  2. Make sure that you check for an LCP (License of Credentialing and Privileges). This is a certificate, which is awarded to doctors who have undergone the stimulated training to provide these procedures in Malaysia.
  3. Do make sure that you have understood all the risks and potential complications before agreeing to an aesthetic procedure.
  4. Do ensure that the materials injected into your body are substance which is safe and non permanent.
  5. Do spend time thinking it over before you undergo a procedure. There is no aesthetic procedure, which is emergency in nature. You don’t have to be pushed into agreeing to a procedure by the doctor.


  1. Don’t fall for a doctor who over-promises. Your doctors should tell you both the good and bad news before a procedure.
  2. Don’t be pressured into signing up for a treatment. Please abstain from the trap of “this promotion is only valid for today” promotion. As with any other medical treatment, a patient should be given adequate time to think it through before agreeing to the procedure.
  3. Don’t fall for offers which promise ridiculous discounts but conducted in a suspicious manner e.g. cheap aesthetic procedure performed in a hotel room or cheaper injectable alternative bought over the internet. If it is too good to be true, it may well be! Your life and safety is worth much more the savings.

Aesthetic treatment should not be performed by a doctor who offers you the cheapest price but the doctor whom you feel comfortable and safe. Have a safe treatment!

Anti-Aging into your 30s

30s is the prime of our lives. We are well on our way along the life paths we have chosen – career, family, a new house and etc. We are enjoying good health and great happiness. Everything seems perfect, but wait, the wrinkles are starting to form. So are the gray hairs and the love handles! Fret not. There are things you can do to slow them down.

Eat healthy – when the money in the wallet grows, the diet goes. 30s is a time when people indulge in food, drinks and the finer things in life. Before you know it, your weight starts to pile up and chronic diseases such as hypertension and high cholesterol start to creep in. Do take heed to eat healthy. Take more protein, vegetable and fruits for the fuel in your body. Drink more water to get yourself and your skin well hydrated.

Exercise – 30s is also a time when you focus more on work and family and started to have less “me” time. There is less time to do any exercise and hence the tone and lean body that you once have long gone. Take time to exercise! Bring back the lean and healthier you with aerobic exercise 2-3 times a week.

Managing stress – As you advance in your career, more stress will start piling up. Symptoms of gastritis such as frequent passing of wind, stomach upsets; having difficulty sleeping or frequent waking up at nights; mood swings or eruptions of skin problems may well be some of the manifestation of high stress levels. Take heed of these symptoms before they culminate to something more serious! Take breaks and find a hobby to distress yourself. Pamper yourself  occasionally with a nice massage or a spa treatment that will whisk away the stress that haunts you.

Besides the three mentioned above, please do not forget the anti-aging regimes in your 20s. If you have been practising them, keep up the good work! If not perhaps it is high time to start them! 

在你决定进行医美疗程前 。。。。

在你决定进行医美疗程前 。。。。

  • 检视医疗机构(诊所,医院)的合法开业执照。(现在的医美诊所都需要卫生部的特别医美疗程执照)
  • 检视医生的合法执业执照。确保您的医生拥有卫生部认证的医美行医执照: LCP (Letter of Credentialing and Privilege)
  • 与医生充分的沟通想要改善的部位。 您所希望改善的地方也许需要从别的部位下手;您的审美观,和医生的审美观是否一致?
  • 由医务人员亲自执行疗程,以及确实了解疗程的效果。 (不要这边这个医生和您沟通,另一边却换了另一个医生替你执行疗程)
  • 详阅同意书/说明书 
  • 要求收据 
  • 不要相信夸大效果的推销形容词: 全球独创/世界第一
  • 不要参加团购,如果有大折扣,赠品等等不寻常的促销,可要三思是不是产品快过期了
  • 不要预付定金,预购疗程



Let's start a gentle routine for your face everyday !

Face cleansing is a routine that most of us adhered to. Well, as simple as it may appear, simply splashing water and applying your favourite cleanser may not be just it. Doing it the wrong way may hasten the aging process.

Getting rid of impurities – impurities build up as dusts and smog, and even our sunscreen deposits onto our face during the day. Having a good cleanser means able to clean deep into the pores to remove these impurities. Remember, clogged pores are a good substrate for bacterial infections.

Protective barrier – while a good cleanser is effective at removing all impurities onto the face, do avoid cleansers which are too strong which washes away the protective natural moisturizer on our face. Do select a cleanser, which do not create a lot of foam during washing as this is a sign that the cleanser may be a tad too strong for our face. Cleansers with microbeads that scrub our face to provide that additional cleansing effect should also be limited to 2-3 times a week as overzealous scrubbing may destroy the natural protective layer of the skin.

Returning its glory – After cleansing, do remember to replenish your skin with a nice layer of moisturiser to give your skin the re-hydration it needs. Skin that is well hydrated is less likely to develop wrinkles.

Do explore for the best skin care products for yourself. Remember, every individual is unique. What suits others, may not be suitable for you.

Beauty that shines from within !

Beauty shines from within. The healthy body gives a healthy skin. What are the secrets to greater, healthier and better skin? No secret really.

Drink plenty of water every day, eat a balanced diet, reduce alcoholic beverages, replace them with fresh juice or mineral water; and avoid overeating. 

Also remember to set aside time for exercise 2-3 times a week for at least 20 minutes each time. Ideally, pick a hobby that involves exercise eg; cycling, futsal, aerobic dance classes. Make it fun.

How many of the above have you done in the past 1 week?

Let's stop the signs of aging.

Aging starts as early as 25 years old for some. The process starts with the loss of collagen, elastin (the highly elastic protein that allows the skin to resume its shape after stretching) and other fibrous tissues. These tissues are to be replaced at the same speed as destruction occurs but with aging, their destruction is faster than their replacement. The skin therefore, sags as the supportive tissue becomes lesser and lesser.

Signs are not apparent in the initial phase but as the sagging worsens, signs begin to unmask.

Re-stimulation of these supportive tissues is a way to combat aging. Laser stimulation of these supportive tissues is a popular mode of rejuvenation. It is safe, non-invasive and comes with minimal downtime. It acts by inflicting energy at the fascial layer of the skin to stimulate proliferation and reorganization of supportive tissues of the skin. This gives a lifting effect by generating new supportive cells at the treated area. 

Stop the signs. Call us at +603 7726 7626

Are You Looking Good During Festive Meetings ?

Festive or holiday seasons is a time when friends, relatives and family members gather together over a meal or just a cuppa. During the gathering, they may pass comments as how fantastic you look recently or simply, “Hey! You look tired. It there anything wrong?” Well, we all want others to praise how fabulous we look during these gatherings, but are we?

Modern day living may entails more work stress, which put more wrinkles and grey hair over our face and scalp. The lack of sleep and overdose of caffeine and cigarette dulls our skin, taking away the radiance that we once had. The lack of exercise and overeating is also taking their toll onto our body. We look terrible as a matter of fact.

The harsh comment may not be pleasing to the ears but they are sincere wake up calls from our loved ones. A call for change for the better. A call to improve our look. A call to improve our health. 














Anti-aging Steps You Need in Your 20s

In the blur of meeting assignment deadlines and going out with your friends, wrinkles start to creep up on you. It is perhaps time to start taking active measures to combat aging. Here are some of the anti-aging steps that you should do when you are in your 20s.

Apply sunscreen – it is never too early to apply sunscreen. Living in a tropical country means that you are constantly exposed to UV light all year round. UV rays are known to cause premature aging or “photo-aging”.  Do apply sunscreen with at least 30SPF on a daily basis.

Take cover – take cover from the sun in style. Cover your self with a large brimmed hat; wear long sleeve dress and etc, to protect yourself from the blazing sun.

Stop smoking – while the effect of smoking may not reveal itself right now, it eventually will. Smoking can cause staining of the teeth, drying of the skin, sagging of the face prematurely. Once the signs appear, there is no turning back. So stop the fag and start your anti-aging regime early.

Go easy on the booze – while 20s is the time where you want to let your hair down, enjoy some partying. Do go easy on the booze. Alcohol is known to cause dehydration and dryness of the skin.  Dry skin is a precursor to wrinkle formation. So do drink lots of water to keep your body well hydrated and go easy on the alcohol.

Get enough sleep – the whole night of partying and staying up working on your assignments may be familiar to some, we recommend keeping them to a minimal. Sleep is important to refresh and renew the body to allow the body and the skin to regenerate itself.

There you have it. The anti-aging regime for people in their 20s. Remember, it is never too early to start slowing down the aging process.

十个改善你外观的医学美容建议 (节日假日前的准备)




身为医学美容医生, 以下是一些很有效的建议:

 1. 每天要喝足够的水, 吃营养均衡的食物,配合适当的运动

 2. 去除眼周的皱纹,皱眉纹,和抬头纹
以肉毒杆菌素 ( Botox/Dysport/Xeomin) 柔化这些皱纹可以让你看起来更年轻,亲切和自在,不过切记不可以注射过量,注射过量则会让表情肌肉僵硬而感觉不自然。

3. 补充眼周,颧骨,太阳穴因为老化体积流失而凹下的部位

4. 丰唇

5. 确保你见的是卫生部验证的医学美容医生,拥有足够的经验,专业的诊断,和使用合格注册的产品
卫生部开始管制医学美容这一个领域,只有合格,验证,受过专业训练,经过考试,获得LCP (Letter of Credentialling) 的医生才是注册的医学美容医生,可以进行医学美容的疗程:如肉毒杆菌素注射除皱瘦脸,注射填充液补充脸部的凹下部位,镭射疗程除斑等等。

 6. 去除颈纹
颈项的皮肤也需要你的小心呵护,你可以进行一些非侵入疗程如Radio Frequency 脉冲波,镭射紧肤疗程,甚至注射水光针,以减少颈纹,恢复皮肤的紧实。

 7. 使用正确恰当的护肤品
防晒是最重要的护肤品,接下来是滋润。你也可以使用有维他命A (retinol)成分的护肤品,为你的皮肤抵抗老化。

8. 足够的睡眠
好的睡眠品质很重要,睡前建议避免感官刺激性的活动(电影/电脑/手机游戏等),也不要睡前做运动, 含有咖啡因的饮料,以免难以入睡。

9. 去除脸部颈部的色斑,红斑或显着微血管

10. 青春化你的双手
注射玻尿酸填充剂(水光针等),可以滋润你老化干渴的皮肤,填补岁月老化而消失的脂肪层,可以让你重新拥有一双“贵妃手” 。

Dr William Hoo