Treatment for Dark Eye Circles

This is a follow up post of an earlier article that discussed on the causes of dark circle under the eyes.  Treatment of dark circle under the eyes is related to its cause. These are some of the ways we can treat these dark circles under the eyes.

Appropriate eye care – The eyes deserve the type of care you would give to the skin over other parts of the body. It needs to be well hydrated and protected against UV rays. Do apply adequate moisturiser and sunblock to the undereye area. This slows down the regression of the underlying supportive tissues while preventing formation of skin pigment after sun exposure.

Healthy eye habits – Healthy eye habits are crucial to prevent dark circles. Avoid over straining of the eye but wearing sunglasses under the glaring sun, rest for 5 minutes every 20 minutes of peering into the computer screen, avoid reading in the dark are some of the ways to avoid engorgement of the blood vessels. Also do avoid rubbing the eyes.

Adequate sleep – It is not entirely false if your mother said the dark circles form because we don’t get enough sleep. Having enough sleep prevent straining of the eyes when you look at glaring object (like your phone). Also we tend not to rub our eyes as much if we have enough sleep.

Medical treatment – For those people who already developed these dark circles, all hope is not lost. One can seek treatment from an aesthetic doctor where lasers can help to decongest these blood vessels or injectables can be injected to rejuvenate and replenish the supportive tissues. For further information, do contact us at 603 77267626.

Dark Circles Under The Eyes

Many of us suffer from dark circles under our eyes. Some people, unfortunately, do get it more easily than others. Here is a simple explanation as why it forms.

The skin under our eyes is thin. There is not much fat around the area. If there is further reduction of the fat tissue or enlargement of the vessels underneath the skin, or deposition of pigments, there will be dark circle under eyes.  Factors that encourages thinning of the fat tissue or dilatation of the underlying blood vessels are:

Ageing – Aging causes a regression of the supportive tissues under the skin.

Hereditary – Some people tends to develop regression of the tissue around that area easier than others. This is especially so in people who have deeper skin colour.

Eye strain – Constant straining of the eyes eg. peering into computer screen over a long period, drivers who frequently drive under the glaring sun, reading in the dark; causes strain to the eyes. This results in engorgement of the underlying blood vessels.

Frequent rubbing – The habit of rubbing the eyes thins the supporting tissue. In the meantime, people who tend to rub their eyes are those who are sleepy or with strained eyes, the strained eyes encourage engorgement of these vessels.

Pigment deposition – When exposed to the sun, the skin will stimulate production of the pigments. As these pigments are not eliminated fast enough, they accumulate and cause darkening of the skin over the area.

There you have it, some of the causes of dark circles under the eyes. How many of the risk factors do you have?

Do you have bra bulge or under arm fat pad?

Underarm fat pad, or axillary fat pad is the fat that bulges out of the sides of the bra at the underarms. It is unsightly when you wear singlet or swimwear but importantly, it is very difficult to remove it. There are two main ways to remove it though.

Exercise and diet – this is the traditional way and by far, the best way to remove underarm fat. Exercise which targets the muscles over the chest, namely the pectoralis major and minor, as well as the shoulder muscles, namely the deltoid. Exercise over these muscles burns fat while healthy diet prevents re-accumulation of fat over those areas.

Fat lipolysis – Modern technologies have devised machines that burn away or destroy the fat around specific targeted area. The targeted area is spot on and there is no side effect onto the nerves and blood vessels under the arm. The laser therapy is fast and non invasive, and is overwhelmingly the preferred choice in the current era.

Surgery – Surgery is an effective but invasive way of fat removal. It cuts open the overlying skin and removes the fat pad while meticulously avoiding the vital structures over the area. In view of bilateral nature of the fat pad, more than one cut is required to achieve the desired effect.

The best way to deal with underarm fat pad is still avoiding it. Do practice a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly to prevent it from forming a large bulge. If you need any help, do consult us or call us at : 603 77267626