




  1. 减少碳水化物。大部分人的餐盘上50-80%都是淀粉+油脂。
  2. 参考健康饮食餐盘:大概类似:50%蔬果,30%蛋白质,20%碳水化物
  3. 多吃原型食物,少吃加工食品
  4. 吃足够的营养素
  5. 喝足够的水,戒喝糖饮料/果汁
  6. 每餐吃8分饱;多吃蔬菜,无上限;多吃蛋白质,耐饱又保肌
  7. 没有任何不可以吃的食物,除了毒药;重要是成分和分量


  1. 探视自己与饮食的关系:你吃是为了什么?庆祝?宣泄压力?发泄情绪?
  2. 早餐也要营养均衡;外食得聪明选择;自己备餐最简单
  3. 好好的安排饮食的成分,选择健康的成分
  4. 减掉不必要的餐次:上午茶,下午茶,夜宵。我国有些人习惯了一日6餐。
  5. 慢吃,不要狼吞虎咽;专注,不要玩手机看电视
  6. 间歇性断食法:16/8

  1. 规律,足量的运动,每周三次,每次三十分钟,心跳率大约每分钟130次
  2. 无氧运动增肌,可以提高基础代谢;有氧运动可以加强心肺功能
  3. 从微量,轻度运动开始,当身体适应后,逐渐提升运动强度和增加不同的项目
  4. 无氧运动优于有氧运动,如果你不喜欢运动,没有时间运动,就纯做无氧运动吧!
  5. 能走就不要站;能站就不要坐;能爬楼梯就不要坐电梯;每天至少10000步

  1. 家里多储存健康食物,不要有零食;要吃零食的话,就准备健康谷类作物或水果。
  2. 减少呆在厨房,面对冰箱,或餐厅的活动时间
  3. 减少不必要的应酬/夜宵/酒类活动
  4. 可以尝试自己备餐-均衡健康饮食,对抗外食饮食不均衡
  5. 餐盘里的分量装少一些,不要太迟吃晚餐,安排三餐的固定时间
  6. 打造方便适合的运动环境:参加健身课程,找健身教练,找运动伙伴,使用一些运动/饮食app或tools来让过程更有趣。
  7. 多看些运动/健康饮食的视频或书籍,多学习,会提高动力

  1. 设定小目标,达到就有些健康的小庆祝,如穿合身好看的衣物
  2. 社交/朋友家人的支持很重哟
  3. 多看些提高动力/士气的视频,书籍

  • 心态很重要
  • 原理: 减少总热量吸取,提高热量使用。


PS: 如果觉得刚想开始瘦身没有头绪,欢迎询问哦!

Dr William Hoo

Tattoo removal – how many treatment sessions do I need?

Case scenario:

Mrs. X, a 40 year old Chinese housewife had black eyebrows tattoo/embroidery done a year ago by an amateur eyebrow tattoo artist which she is very unsatisfied with the design. Now she would like to have her eyebrows tattoo removed so that she can get a new one. She  wanted to know how many treatment sessions she requires. Well, let’s start the calculation.

Skin type                              : 3                 = 3 points
Location                               : face            = 1 point
Amount of ink                      : amateur      = 1 points
Layering                               : no               = 0 point
Scarring & tissue change      : no               = 0 point
Color                                     : black         = 1 point
Total points                           : 6

Estimated number of treatments required by Mrs. X is 6. 

To determine the number of treatments needed for successful removal of tattoos, the Kirby-Desai Scale is used. It is a quantitative system that assigns numerical points to six different factors that, when summed together, reveal a score that determines the number of treatments a patient will need for successful tattoo removal. The six factors are as follows:

1. Patient Skin Type
2. Location of Tattoo
3. Amount of Ink
4. Layering/Cover-Up
5. Scarring/Tissue Change
6. Color(s) of Ink

Skin Type

Skin type or tone can be categorized using the Fitzpatrick Scale, a tool that classifies skin types from a 1 – 6 scale, with type 1 being the lightest skin tone and type 6 being the darkest. Patients with darker skin tones are more susceptible to certain risk of complications, including scarring and hypo or hyperpigmentation. Therefore, patients with darker skin tones need to be treated more conservatively and carefully with safer treatment protocols such as lower energy laser settings and longer waiting periods between treatment sessions, to minimize the risks of unwanted side effects. In general, people with darker skin tones require more visits for best tattoo removal results.


Location is rated on a scale of 1 to 5 depending on how vascularize that area is. Tattoos on the head, face and neck will fade faster, as these have the largest amount of regional lymph nodes and a larger vascular supply, so removing a tattoo from these areas takes less time. Meanwhile, tattoos on distal extremities such as on the feet and hands in particular will take longer to remove. In short, tattoos placed closer to the heart and major blood vessels and lymphatic system fade at a faster rate.

Ink Amount

This is rated on a scale of 1 to 4 depending on the tattoo ink density. Amateur tattoos or homemade tattoos typically contain less ink and is unevenly placed closer to the skin surface which usually require much lesser treatment session. Professional tattoos on the other hand use more ink and the ink is place deeper under the skin.


A layering/cover-up is defined as a tattoo on top of another one in order to conceal the previous piece or design. These often lead to a very heavily dense and saturated tattoo ink in that area. Therefore, more treatments will be needed to successfully remove the ink from the combination of cover-up tattoo and old tattoo.

Scar Tissue

Scar tissue is on a scale of 0 to 5. Scoring is based on the severity of scarring or tissues change, with 0 meaning there is no scarring present and 5 with significant scarring or tissue changes. Tattoos with scarring and tissue change are much more difficult to remove and usually require more treatment sessions.

Ink Color

Ink color is rated on a scale of 1 to 4. Darker colors respond the best to laser tattoo removal and the easiest color to remove, while the hardest are green, yellow, and light blue. Thus, the more colors you have on the tattoos, the more treatment sessions are required.

By using the Kirby-Desai scale, we are able to provide a more precise estimation(80% accuracy) of how many treatments are required for a successful tattoo removal. However the number produced by this scale should not serve as a conclusive answer. It's important to emphasize that this is only an estimate, each person is different and each tattoo removal is unique. Drop in for a consult with any of us at Anna Hoo Clinic regarding tattoo removal. We are more than happy to address whatever doubts and concerns you may have.

Dr. Ian Tan
Anna Hoo Clinic