Are You Looking Good During Festive Meetings ?

Festive or holiday seasons is a time when friends, relatives and family members gather together over a meal or just a cuppa. During the gathering, they may pass comments as how fantastic you look recently or simply, “Hey! You look tired. It there anything wrong?” Well, we all want others to praise how fabulous we look during these gatherings, but are we?

Modern day living may entails more work stress, which put more wrinkles and grey hair over our face and scalp. The lack of sleep and overdose of caffeine and cigarette dulls our skin, taking away the radiance that we once had. The lack of exercise and overeating is also taking their toll onto our body. We look terrible as a matter of fact.

The harsh comment may not be pleasing to the ears but they are sincere wake up calls from our loved ones. A call for change for the better. A call to improve our look. A call to improve our health.